The key to our service is getting a good match between our private full-time tutors and part-time tutors and families, and the way we do this is to recruit properly. First we meet with the family and student(s). We discuss your requirements, your preferences and expectations. Based on this meeting we draw up a detailed job specification, which forms the basis of our recruitment.
Student just need to register himself online or offline for the tuition requirement, rest will be our duty to fulfil his/ her requirement with the way they wants to learn. Education related all your questions, we are the answers.
As per your need you can generate enquiry online or calling or offline by calling our executive at your place, you can get registered with our institute by placing a requirement with institute.
Our sales team, may call you to explain the benefit of home tuitions and moreover our institutes explanation, how we are better compared to other institute and how, we are different than others. And also to understand your concern related to student and his need for home tuitions.
As per your requirement our sales team will forward details to tutor department where we analyse your requirement of tuitions based on your location, standard, subject, time/day availability, etc.
After sale or admission procedure, our tutor department will categories the tutor as per your requirement of learning methodology, students grasping power, timings, days and location at he /she available. Then by giving brief explanation of the student’s background and requirements, they appoint tutor for you/ your child.
You will get a sms /email of appointed tutor from institute. The Appointed tutor will call you for reconfirmation of class timing and days, Accordingly he/she will call you for class schedule and he/ she will start the tuitions.
After appointing tutor, our feedback team will call you to understand how you like the tutor and his way of teaching, his punctuality, professional approach, etc. Then accordingly we decide the category of the tutor based on your rating.
Appointed tutor not only teach you the way you want to learn but also he/ she will take tests to understand the students understanding of the subject and to impart education as per his/ her understanding, to correct the mistakes he/ she does while writing exams.
Due to express system of teaching at your personal level, result will be improved guaranteed as not only we teach your child but we understand his interest of study and accordingly differentiate the child, creating interest in the subject which we teach is our always primary motto. Only thing you need to take care would be you need to follow the way we tell you to approach for study, always do homework given on time.
After preparation of the student and tutors satisfaction with students preparation for exam, student will appear for his/ her school/ college exams.
As we always commit, our commitment towards each child is not only up to syllabus completion but also to take care of their revision, tests etc., till final exam. Our duty gets over by giving good wishes to the child after their final exam. Many student will join our tuitions next year again after finding our service best and also if their academics are not over.
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